To Listing Your Home
Creative Digital Marketing
Use of social media and advertising on-line can be set to certain geographic areas to give. your home the best exposure.
Directory of Local Services Available
From contractors, painters to junk removal companies to help you prepare for your listing and/or get you set up with your new home.
Global Exposure
At StreetCity Realty Inc. Brokerage we work with CREA Global to have your home listed all over the world.
I will provide a variety of staging services that might be needed. It could be as little as decluttering suggestions to bringing in furniture on a vacant sales. A well staged home will lead to higher sale price. Virtual staging is also a possibility in some instances.
Professional Photography
Professional photography will leave a great first impression when potential buyer see your home for the first time. I use companies that provide incredible photos with virtual tours and drone images when necessary.
Cleaning Provided On Closing Day
After spending weeks preparing to move and being exhausted from packing, I offer a cleaning service to come in and do a deep clean for you. One less thing you need to worry about.
Comparable Market Assessments
I know the market in Elgin County very well and will provide comparable solds based on the most up to date trends. This will help both Buyers and Sellers maximize their investments.